9 May 2012

How did you attract/address your audience?

In the title sequence of "The Unbeliever", the audience is attracted through use of action and suspense. I have received positive feedback from all of the people who I have shown this project, who have claimed that the single shot at the end of the sequence featuring the kidnapped victim struggling was exciting and tense, encouraging them to keep watching to discover what occurs to him and if he'll escape from the scenario. Because of this, I believe that the use of suspense in the title sequence was a very good decision, and that an important purpose of the introductory sequence, to excite the viewer and encourage them not to stop watching, was successfully achieved.

Another way in which we attempted to attract our audience was to create characters which were easy to emphasise with and hate, which are placed in a similar age group to the audience. This is most likely why we received feedback and interest from our age group, and more specifically, our student year group.

However, I also believe that a larger audience could be attracted by using a much greater number of action sequences, stunts, and special effects. However, this would have been much harder to create on a very small budget, and would have also been very time consuming. Because of this, I'm satisfied with how well the finished product has successfully attracted members of our audience

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