20 September 2011

Title Sequence - Vantage Point

From Art of The Title

"Vantage Point" has a short, one minute title sequence, in which an attempt is made to convey the themes of the movie to the audience.
The main stylisation of this piece is the use of a 'fractured' layering of shots over each other, which is highly relevant to the key slant of the film, of how different people perceive an event.
As such, some elements of the sequence, such as the gun, may go unnoticed or surprise a viewer.
The use of this effect also makes the sequence much more interesting than if the clips were static.

The colour scheme of this sequence is fairly restrictive, with almost every element having a gradient mapped tint of sepia/gold, with the credit text being the exception.
The text is easy to read, which contrasts with the odd and confusing shapes of the other elements.
Names of companies and organisations in the title credits are emphasised in uppercase, while all other text is lowercase.
The main title is a mix of the two contrasting styles, beginning as unrecognisable shapes which slide together to create clear, dark text, which contrasts massively with the yellow and orange tones of the clips behind.

Very conventional music is used throughout, ominous beats and clicks with deep bass crescendos, which clearly conveys the thriller genre of the movie.

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