16 September 2011
Title Sequence - The Untouchables
From Art of The Title
The title sequence in "The Untouchables" is fairly unsophisticated compared to some other films, however the stylization complies with the crime genre, whilst innovating with more recent effects.
The title sequence is comprised of off-white serif type fading in and out in the lower half of the screen, with unrecognizable shadows traveling across the screen. The presentation of the title sequence is good, the typeface used is very relevant to the time period that the movie is set in.
A grain effect is also used in the title sequence, which makes the graphics appear less flat, and also provides an effect reminiscent of the movie technology available in the 1920s/30s time period.
Near the end of the sequence, the camera pulls back from the close up of the shadows, revealing the main title text. This text is similar to the credit text shown below, however is greatly contrasted as it is black, signifying to the audience that it is very important.
The large 3D text is pulled away from the camera, and fades into the soft brown background, and the sequence fades to black.
Whilst the title sequence for "The Untouchables" is not the most memorable, it certainly is appropriate for this genre of movie and prepares the audience for the style in the film to come.
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An analysis with a balanace commentary on what could be seen as a very sparse title sequence. Very good discussion of typography.