18 October 2011

Thriller Subgenres

There are many subgenres within the thriller genre, which often incorporate elements from other genres.
  • Crime Thrillers combine elements of the Crime genre with those of suspense and excitement of the Thriller genre, and often place action over characters emotions. The two most recognisable types of crime thriller are heist situations and serial killers, for example "The Inside Man" and "Seven".
  • Supernatural Thrillers mix themes of the supernatural in with the thriller conventions of storytelling and composition, which may occasionally crossover into the horror genre due to the defining suspense of the Thriller genre.
  • Psychological Thrillers use emotional struggles struggles to create suspense and excitement. Whilst physical violence is often present in psychological thrillers, emotional and mental struggles are more important in the plot.
  • Conspiracy Thrillers depict the struggle between a relatable character and group or government with vast size and power. Thriller conventions such as plot twists are ever present.

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